About us

Every day our community of nearly 1,500 students together with their parents and 83 school staff of Wismar Private School connect with each other through this online platform. This website is a special place where we can discuss all the school issues, events, new ideas as well as get all the information about the past events and the lessons.

We deeply believe in the importance of community, that is why we decided to step away from the classic idea of schooling. In our school, we create an “open learning” spaces where you can move walls and furniture that helps create not only a perfect place for studying but also for communicating with each other. For the same reason, our teachers act not as lecturers but as coaches that let students learn on their own terms without strict instructions. We give our students a lot of freedom, but at the same time we teach them how to use this freedom wisely and how use new responsibilities to achieve higher levels of whatever they do.

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